Follow Up

Dissemination Plans and Pages that will ensure the visibility of Our Project (Coaching as skill for Youth Empowerment (COA-SK-YEM)).

All of our organisations have their own plans for dissemination and follow up activities as followed (most of the partners have their own strategic which we have it here in the following lines):



Dissemination Plan INPLANE GREECE

INPLANET own website and the Facebook pages, our participants own Facebook pages, media contacts from Greece, email lists for organizations will help us to spread information about project as wide as possible.

To wider share the results of the project, we will implement following activities:

  • Spread local newspapers articles in combination of photos before and after the program.
  • The articles will have text: "the Project is funded by the European Union Erasmus+ Programme".
  • Spread project photos and video with the Erasmus+ logo through our site and facebook pages.
  • Spread video of the project with project logo with the text: "the Project is funded by the European Union Erasmus+ Programme" in INPLANET's YouTube Channel.
  • Implement local and international project ideas, which will be developed by us so that our friends and other motivated people back in our countries can also participate in similar youth exchange as we did.

To share information about project INPLANET's participants will do following:

  • Use Facebook pages to spread information about project: Facebook lives;
  • Check in and use hashtags (#ErasmusPlus #YouthExchange etc), upload photos and
  • short description on our Facebook pages.
  • At the end of project share project video, song, report and other results via Facebook pages, Facebook groups we are in, Schools or universities we study and etc.
  • During the outdoor events will directly talk with local people and share project results with them.
  • Inform friends, family members, mates about Erasmus+ project.

NGO INPLANET GREECE will ensure visibility of the project through the following webpages and other sources:


UnityEcho will partner with the local organisation like Ukraine and Occitanie and school to facilitate a workshop for teachers/youthworkers/school on fostering inclusion and preventing bullying. Two participants from the project will co-facilitate with UnityEcho staff to train the participants. They will share key insights from the project and demonstrate some activities from the training course for addressing bullying issues. Participant will also receive the anti-bullying policy manual to integrate learnings into curriculum and school. Follow up consultations will also be provided. This will increase the school's capacity to mitigate bullying and discrimination issues among their student population.

Acquired knowledge from the project will be distributed among youth workers and educators in our NGO. To increase their capacity to work with youth and also we will aim to organize 2 workshops (1 online and offline) with a partnership network to spread the outcomes beyond our NGO with other institutions. - youth workers/educators outside of our NGO. Last but not least, we will create a special campaign in our social media, website in order to share with a broader audience. - Youth, and all followers

We will include participants of the project with the tasks of creating the overall video for Youtube and short videos with main insights of the topic for INST/FB , which will be included in a social media campaign on social medias with the purpose to disseminate.
Than they will be invited to facilitate the local activities, as well.

Results will be disseminate and published through our webpages:

Website  - We will post a call, and web page there with all results created during the project will be published there.

Instagram  - We will post here media materials on each phase of the project with focus on youth, young professionals

FB  -We will post here media materials on each phase of the project with focus on youth workers, educators, partner NGO

Youtube  - We will post here media materials on each phase of the project with focus on youth, youth workers, educators, partner NGO

TikTok  - We will post here media materials on each phase of the project with focus on youth, young professionals

LinkendIn  - We will post here media materials on each phase of the project with focus on youth workers, educators, partner NGO


At HESSA, our core mission revolves around empowering the youth to discover their authentic passions and capabilities, thereby promoting both individual growth and community enrichment.

internal Workshops: Organize regular information sessions for our youths sharing the best learnings and experiences from the project.

Collaboration and Partnership:

Local & Regional Outreach: Engage with schools, colleges, and other youth organizations within the Iasi county and broader region to introduce the benefits of the project and of the Erasmus+ programme

publicity and Awareness:

Media Engagement: Engage with local, regional, and national media outlets to cover the success stories and impacts of the the project initiative.

Main channels of distribution are our own social media channels, but also thru community meetings and workshops to share practical skills and knowledge.

Our main channels are our website , insagram: , tik-tok: , facebook: AsociatiaHessa and our members whatsapp group

The channels of HESSA NGO are the members Channels, they can create content at their willing, share info or interesting facts. If an open area where youth and youthworkers can try explore and step out of their confort zone. In this way, the youths that will be in project, they will be already familiarize with the using of HESSA social media accounts.

Results will be shared also trough the following pages

Radio Iasi, Tv Life Iasi are 2 local stations that were helped us in the past.

Also we collaborate with few newspapers in the town, the most iconic being BZI


Our organization administers a web page and social pages of the organization in Instagram, Facebook. The project will be visible on all our social pages, local newspaper, municipality's social page in Facebook and their website. Participants will share their experience on their personal social profile pages. Project's results will be shared with local, national community and partners, friends abroad by writing articles, posts, sharing photos and videos. Knowledge and good practices will be shared in our school and ALSO in our partner organisation Youth Leisure Centre's organized activities, events etc.

Include ideas, inspirations, knowledge and workshops that will be learned, experienced to our future projects and programmes, use it when working with students on a daily basis. Results will be shared locally and on our social pages and a website. Our association administers a web page and social pages of the school in Instagram, Facebook. The project will be visible on all our social pages, local newspaper. Participants will share their experience on their personal social profile pages. Project's results will be shared with local, national community and partners, friends abroad by writing articles, posts, sharing photos and videos. Participants will share their experience on their personal social profile pages, make photos, videos of the experience and insights.

An article of the project will be shared on schools webpage: 

An article along vith photos will be shared on our facebook page: 

Photos and videos along with article will be shared on our instagram account: 

An article will be written for our local newspaper: 



Dissemination Plan ACPELIA CYPRUS

After the approval of the proposal, the logo of the program will be created, which will accompany every publicity action. A special space will be designed on the website of our association especially for the program where both the actions of preparation and the actions of the implementation of the program will be registered and displayed as well as the results from the integrated program. Also, we are going to create the webpage of the project. Following the selection of the beneficiaries, a communication and information exchange group will be set up between the youth, foundation, and local community working groups.

To achieve the best possible diffusion results, each individual action during the implementation of the program will be documented and made public through photographic and videotaped material during and after the completion of the program. These, together with printed material, will be the basis of the campaign for the dissemination of our results. The Erasmus + Outcome Platform will be used, which offers a comprehensive presentation of all Erasmus + funded projects, highlighting projects, good practices, and further dissemination of learning outcomes.

Also, Webpage of the project will be created.

The participants in the project, after a complete preparation and guidance, will be able to use their experience by organizing workshops, under the guidance of the team leader, where they will be able to transfer the know-how acquired during the program implementation. The youth will act as educators-multipliers in the local community and will deliver printed and electronic material for information and awareness of those interested. Each participant, during a specific time, will be publishing relevant material on the association's website, to inform all interested parties about the results of the project and extensive information will be provided from the first day that will be organized. All the announcements will be gathering and sent from the youth to the local press and to the association's collaborating bodies, as well as the material with the used training material during the project will be presented and distributed to youth organizations and associations from all the members.

In all our projects that we implement we are making open webpages to the public which always are there for long time after the ending of the project. Some examples of previous project that were implemented from our organisation through the coordination of Nikolas the president of ACPELIA, can be found in the webpage of ACPELIA:

As anyone can see even if we have a lot of project, it's important for us, the applicant organisation to keep the results of the project open to public for many years after the implementation of one project. Always we are learning through this procedure and we are getting better.

NGO ACPELIA CYPRUS will ensure visibility of the project through the following webpages and other sources:

North Macedonia

We'll let more people know about our project by teaming up with local youth and educational groups. We'll post updates, success stories, and project news on our social media pages and website.

We'll work with local schools and especially the afterschool program we often collaborate with to set up events and exhibitions where we'll display what our project has achieved.

We'll make sure our participants are actively involved by letting them help plan and make decisions for the project. We'll create a friendly and inclusive learning environment that encourages everyone to participate. We'll have regular feedback sessions and open lines of communication so that participants can have a say in how the project activities and outcomes take shape. At this moment, we only have an active Facebook page which is the main online dissemination point.

We will share with our nearly 2000 followers posts about the project, photos and videos of the PDA in Greece, as well as a description of the dissemination and photos of it.


We have a big audience in social media, specially instagram (1600 folowers), and we have mailing list and whatsapp groups thanks to which we can reach hundreds of local youngsters. Aditionallly, it is possible for us to share it with yougsters from other european cities, thank to the AEGEE-Europe network, made of 100 different associations all around europe. For strenghtening the local impact, we can count on other local associations that are always willing to help, as well as local University, who usually shares our projects and activities.

We will employ some time slots in local training activities, where participants of the project will be able to implement thir dynamics. Consequently, there will be no need to find extra participants for the workshops, appart from those who will already be participating in our weekend activities. However, we will also offer the opportunity to participate to people outside from our entity, by sharing the activities in our social media and through inner and external mailing lists, such as the one from university.

These are the online platforms that we use more often, and in all of them we share the results of the project.




We create content in social media, while in the website, we have a blog with the results of our activities.


We will share the result online and offline:

Online: We will share it our social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram…) also we will publish articles in our Blog written by our participants about the topic of Circular Economy. This kind of activities will reach people at local, national and international level.

Offline: We will organize dissemination events in our office to share the information with other member of our organization and the organizations in Paredes, Porto. Also, we will organize events in participants schools.

Participants will be involved from the beginning of the project, asking them to share in their social media, news about the Circular Economy, Environment protection, GACT Activities and info the mobilities experiences. They will be responsible to write the articles and publish them in the blog. Addionally they will be responsible for organize the dissemination activities in their schools.

ASSOCIAÇÃO NÓ GÓRDIO (Portugal) will disseminate the program through the following webpages:


Dissemination is one of the most important steps of the project. Successful dissemination ensures that the project is recognized by stakeholders, allowing both the institution and the quality of the project to reach more places. We also attach importance to dissemination activities to raise awareness and impact in terms of our project and plan to use dissemination tools at the maximum level. We plan to cooperate with the coordinating organization in the process of spreading the project results and we will present those in areas where as many people as possible can get informed about that.

Each participant we send will be asked to write a report about their experiences both in English and in Hungarian, and to hold an awareness raising workshop based on what they have learned and experienced during the training course for 10-15 youth workers, young people, and volunteers of our Foundation.

Due to our implemented projects, we have excellent working relations with the University of Szeged, elementary and secondary schools in the city of Szeged, Hungary. We will share information through our own channels: Facebook, Instagram, (and Youtube, if any video material will be prepared during the project), but also face to face during events with professional and unprofessional followers.




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